Senior Travel Advisor, CTA
They say you can never step in the same river twice. What you can do, according to Natalie, is stand in as many rivers as possible (while holding tree pose). As our resident exotic destination specialist and yoga enthusiast, Natalie is our worldly ball of energy. She would pack her bags with equal enthusiasm for both an all-inclusive beach villa stay or an African safari.
Interested in a family vacation, but aren’t sure how to begin planning it? Natalie can guide you from sand box to white sand (she has twin boys, so she’s also your go-to for a spirited discussion on trips with the little ones). And if the barrage of honeymoon options on the internet has left you a confused and unfocused groom, Natalie will help you pick the destination that perfectly matches your personalities and interests (you might even find yourself begging her to weigh in on catering and floral options). She is an accredited specialist in Alaska, South and Central America, Asia, and luxury cruising—just to name a few—and counts among her most memorable travel experiences a week-long stay in a monastery in Taize, France (ask her about the white meatloaf).